I am not hyped up by the face sprays. I see face tonic, beauty waters and so everywhere. I bought Caudalie one and that I like a lot because of the smell and that it contains essential oils. I do like deep cleansing mask from Liz Earle that I reviewed. You can check the review here and therefore was curious about another product from Liz Earle.:-)
This Instant boost skin tonic spritzer from Liz Earle contains Aloe Vera, calendula, cucumber and natural Vitamin E. Skin tonic spritzer has no alcohol and is not tested on animal. It smells really fresh and nice, but for me the smell is bit too much. It does not linger on the skin thou. This tonic spritzer does not irritate my skin or eyes. It nicely refreshes the skin, but that is all. I did not see any revitalization and my skin was not more radiant. The atomizer is the worst. It is not very handy because it sprays in one narrow spritz and does not mist your face. I have to spray at least 5 to 6 times to cover my whole face and from at least 30 cm from face. This is nice for travelling if you want to refresh the skin but that is all. I would not buy this again.
Did you try this Instant boost skin tonic spritzer? What is your experience?
Nie som veľkým nadšencom sprejov na tvár. V poslednom čase sa akoby vrece roztrhlo s beauty vodami na tvár. Kúpila som si jednu od Caudalie a tá sa mi naozaj páči kvôli vôni a pretože obsahuje esenciákne oleje. Hĺbkovo čistiacu masku na tvár od Liz Earle mám veľmi rada a jej recenziu si môžete pozrieť tu a preto som bola veľmi zvedavá na ďalšiu vec od Liz Earle.:-)
Instant boost skin spritzer od Liz Earle obsahuje aloe vera, mesiačik lekársky, uhorku a prírodný vitamín E. Neobsahuje žiadny alkohol a nebol testovaný na zvieratách. Veľmi pekne a sviežo vonia, ale na mňa až trošku prisilno. Čo je fajn tak vôňa neulpieva na koži. Nedráždi mi oči a ani kožu na tvári čo je fajn. Osvieži, ale to je asi ta všetko. Nepozorovala som po nanesení žiadnu revitalizáciu a ani moja pokožka nebola viac žiarivejšia. Rozprašovač je to najhoršie na celom toniku. Sprejuje v tenkom prúde a neurobí jemný aerosol čo je úplne nepraktické. Musím použiť 5 až 6 sprejov, aby som pokryla celú tvár a z dialky aspoň 30 cm od tváre. Je vhodný na cestovanie, na osvieženie tváre, ale to je asi takvšetko. Určite viac nekúpim.
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